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FW: Installing from floppies fails (chroot not allowed)

I sent this one to debian-user but got no response.  Hopefully someone
here can help me.

> Hello.
> I've been trying to set up (again) Debian linux.  I've been trying to
do this with floppies and trying to download the 
> files I need through the net.  I'm setting up the 'testing'
> I start up and compile the module for my ethernet card into the kernel
and I'm able to configure the network via DHCP.
> All works fine until I start installing the base system.  The packages
download and all but after a while an error comes 
> up telling me something about not being able to run chroot on target/.
I've tried this a few times and one time I executed 
> a shell and changed the permission of the target/ folder so everyone
could access it (chmod ugo+rwx target).  That time it 
> did get a little further but in the end came the same error just in a
different place (that time the error message was a 
> little more ambiguous and I couldn't quite figure out which folder or
file it was referencing).
> I'm wondering if this is a known bug in the installation or if it's
specific to my system?  Is there any way to work around it?
> Kindest regads and hoping for help,
> 	Stefan Freyr Stefansson.
> p.s. it should be noted that I'm a Linux newbie.

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