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Re: 2.2.15 i386 available for pre-upload testing

Matthew Thompson <mattyt@oz.net> writes:

> Ok, I'm testing the floppies on my ThinkPad 560 P133.  The rescue disk and
> root disks boot fine, and the driver disks load properly.  When I choose
> to configure PCMCIA Support, I 'ENTER' my way through the 3 or 4 fields
> where I have an opportunity to enter paramaters (I chose the Intel
> controller chip) and then get the error "An error encountered while trying
> to load and configure the PCMCIA modules."  I've tried this a few times
> just to be sure.
> I haven't continued beyond this point as I need network access to finish
> the installation after the base disks.

Um, ok, can you boot with the 'debug' option and give us the last 20
lines or so from /var/log/messages (or the whole file)?  You should be
able to tar or 'dd' this to a floppy from within the rescue file
system, I think.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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