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Re: install report for Debian 2.1 and some comments on installation profiles

On Wed, 31 Mar 1999, Brandon Mitchell wrote:

> > In a general note, it seems to me that these 'profiles' are the most visible
> > part of the installation system [once you get beyond the usual difficulties].
> > They need some work but promise to be one of the most appealing aspects of a
> > Debian install.  I know I always look forward to choosing a profile when I'm
> > re-installing Debian.   :)
> There was talk of making them a package and reworking them so you could
> change profiles after installing.  I'm not sure what came of this, but it
> could be a big boost to the debugging and general advancement of this
> tool.
> > I propose that  Dselect should have an extra step which confirms that all 
> > packages in some profile are present.  I envision that you can choose
> > this extra option and what it will do for you is to check whether or not your
> > system as currently configured lacks anything that is required for some
> > type of functionality.
> This is the "select" step.  As things are merged into apt, hopefully this
> will be more obvious or less needed.  The instructions to skip this step
> are just wrong in my opinion.

IMHO, many of the predefined profiles are way too bloated!  I've only done
a few new installs since they were added, but after the first one
(followed by a big purge of unwanted packages) I have used the "select"
option in dselect to see which packages I need to remove. 


Bob Nielsen                 Internet: nielsen@primenet.com
Tucson, AZ                  AMPRnet:  w6swe@w6swe.ampr.org
DM42nh                      http://www.primenet.com/~nielsen

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