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Testing migration summary 2010-02-06 (Saturday)

On 2010-02-06 (Saturday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                  version               previous
  aeskulap                        0.2.2b1-5             0.2.2b1-4
  and                             1.2.2-4               1.2.2-3
  biblatex-dw                     1.2n-1                1.2l-2
  controlaula                     1.4.0-1               1.3.1-1
  crm114                          20090807-2            20090807-1
  darts                           0.32-7                0.32-6
  debian-faq                      4.0.4+nmu1            4.0.4
  doc-debian                      4.0.2                 4.0.1
  etckeeper                       0.42                  0.41
  geximon                         0.7.7-2               0.7.7-1
  git-buildpackage                0.4.64                0.4.63
  goffice                         0.7.18-1              0.7.17-1
  gpp                             2.24-2                2.24-1
  hal                             0.5.14-2              0.5.14-1
  jclassinfo                      0.19.1-5              0.19.1-4
  libfilter-perl                  1.37-3                1.37-2
  libhildon                       2.1.34.debian.1-7     2.1.34.debian.1-6
  libical                         0.44-3                0.43-3
  libisoburn                      0.4.8.pl00-1
  libpam-ldap                     184-8.3               184-8.2
  libtest-longstring-perl         0.13-1                0.12-1
  libtest-www-mechanize-perl      1.24-2                1.24-1
  libvalhalla                     1.0.1-1               (not in testing)
  libxmpp-php                     0~svn53-1.1           0~svn53-1
  live-initramfs                  1.173.1-1             1.157.4-2
  mini-buildd                     0.8.10                (not in testing)
  mirmon                          1.38-11               1.38-10
  mobile-broadband-provider-info  20100126-1            20091207-1
  msort                           8.52-1.2              8.52-1.1
  nipy                            0.1.2+1741-2.2        0.1.2+1741-1
  nitrogen                        1.5-1                 1.4-2
  nukeimage                       0.3-10                0.3-9
  openssh                         1:5.3p1-1             1:5.2p1-2
  phpgroupware                    1:  1:
  pondus                          0.7.1-1               0.7.0-1
  python-meld3                    0.6.5-3               0.6.5-2.3
  r-cran-psy                      1.0-2                 1.0-1
  rfkill                          0.3-3                 0.3-1
  shibboleth-sp2                  2.3.1+dfsg-1          2.3+dfsg-1
  songwrite                       0.14-7                0.14-5
  sslscan                         1.8.2-1               1.8.0-1
  swt-gtk                         3.5.1-2               3.4.2-3
  synfig                          0.62.00-2             0.61.09-3
  synfigstudio                    0.62.00-1             0.61.09-2
  tomboy-latex                    0.5-2                 0.5-1
  tre                             0.8.0-2               0.7.6-2
  ttf-jsmath                      0.090709-1            0.01-3
  v4l2ucp                         2.0.2-1               2.0.1-1
  xerces-c                        3.1.0~rc1-1           3.0.1-2
  xf86-input-tslib                0.0.6-2               (not in testing)
  xf86-video-omapfb               0.1.1-3               (not in testing)
  xmltooling                      1.3.3-1               1.3.1-1
  xserver-xorg-video-ivtvdev      1.1.1-1               (not in testing)
  zekr                            0.7.5~beta3+repack-1  0.5.1.dfsg-1.1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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