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Re: Next Debian meetup in Zurich cancelled, maybe do a virtual meetup instead?

On the Fri, Mar 20, 2020 at 05:28:17AM +0100, Axel Beckert blubbered:


> it's probably obvious, but the next Debian meetup in Zurich, which was
> scheduled for the 7th of April 2020, needs to be cancelled and won't
> happen due to the COVID-19 crisis:
> * All restaurants have to be closed anyways.
> * All activities of associations ("Vereinsaktivitäten") are currently
>   not alloweed.
> So I wonder if we should try out the https://jitsi.debian.social/
> voice chat, video chat and screen sharing platform. Since this makes

YES! I'm in. 

> it easier to also join from regions of Switzerland which are further
> away from Zurich, I suggest we use
> https://jitsi.debian.social/Switzerland as channel, starting at 18:30
> local time on 7th of April 2020.

Anytime. :) Though, I hope I can be at home at this time. If
not, I'll join later.
I would also be available for a pre-flight test on the weekend.

CU, Venty

It's better to kindle a fire     ,    .      "
than to worship the ashes!      )  . (`     '`
 .; )  ' (( (" )    ;(,     ((  (  ;)  "  )"
 _"., ,._'_.,)_(..,( . )_  _' )_') (. _..( '..

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