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SPARC donation

I have been following the Debian SPARC development effort for some
time, and noticed that some of the developers state that the would have
benefited from having faster SPARC systems. I do not know this for a
fact, but I believe that the company I work for might be getting rid of
their sun4c systems and their low end sun4m systems. However,
everything from SPARC 10 and up I know they intend to keep for now.

I would, on behalf of the Debian SPARC project, be glad to check
whether they would be willing to donate workstations. If the response
is positive I will see if they also will pick up the freight, at least
within the US.

Please indicate what the minimum requirement would be, and who
represents the Debian SPARC project in an official capacity.


Rolf Brudeseth
Raytheon Systems Company

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