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Re: What configuration prefix ?

On Wed, Dec 16, 1998 at 01:06:37PM -0800, Jim Pick wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm going to try to get gnome-libs to build some snapshot-style
> packages from out of the CVS.
> Where should we install this stuff?
> I was thinking we could put everything under /opt/dsp
> Where dsp = Debian Snapshots Project.  Of course, dsp also stands for
> "digital signal processor".  Do you think people will get confused?
> What do people think of using /opt?  I think it's a better choice than
> putting things under /usr/local.  And we don't want to put things in
> the FSSTND locations, because we want to be able to install these at
> the same time as the released Debian packages without causing
> conflicts.

	Well, this does not belong in /usr or /usr/local.  I've never
seen a linux box with an /opt directory, so the potential for directory
smashing is minimized with /opt, I guess.  Maybe it belongs under
/usr/snap, or something like that?  There is a /usr/games and a /usr/X11,
so it doesn't seem to be a horrible crime to put something there ...


"It is by will alone I set my mind in motion"

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