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What configuration prefix ?


I'm going to try to get gnome-libs to build some snapshot-style
packages from out of the CVS.

Where should we install this stuff?

I was thinking we could put everything under /opt/dsp

Where dsp = Debian Snapshots Project.  Of course, dsp also stands for
"digital signal processor".  Do you think people will get confused?

What do people think of using /opt?  I think it's a better choice than
putting things under /usr/local.  And we don't want to put things in
the FSSTND locations, because we want to be able to install these at
the same time as the released Debian packages without causing

Also, how's this for a naming scheme?

  Regular Packages         Snapshot Packages
  ----------------         -----------------
  gnome-hello              dsp-gnome-hello
  libgnome0                dsp-libgnome0
  libgnome-dev             dsp-libgnome-dev
  libgtkxmhtml0            dsp-libgtkxmhtml0
  libgtkxmhtml-dev         dsp-libgtkxmhtml-dev
  libzvt0                  dsp-libzvt0
  libzvt-dev               dsp-libzvt-dev

The idea is that both sets of packages can be installed at the same
time.  By having the 'dsp-' prefix at the beginning of the name, the
packages have a nice sort order.

Another issue that the recent Gnome freeze just brought up: now there
are two branches of the CVS - a stable branch and an unstable branch.
I'll follow the stable branch for now with my snapshots.  But how
should we handle the situation in the future where there are two
branches we want to track?


 - Jim

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