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Re: SGML/XML Policy Group - XML Catalog Update

On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, Mark Johnson wrote:

> On Sunday, January 12, Jor-el wrote:
> > SYSTEM local location for the dtd that defines XML Catalog
> > documents?
> Sure. It'd naturally have to be part of xml-base. Also, I've written a
> customization layer for the XML Catalog spec dtd that provides support
> for directives from the previous OASIS TR9401 (aka SGML) catalog
> spec. This should make the conversion from TR9401 to XML Catalog
> entries a bit easier.
> The dtds and the content models can be seen at one of the following:
>    http://klecker.debian.org/~mrj/oasis/catalog/xml/

	I took a look at the documents, above. What is the value in having
the tr9401.dtd? The elements in an SOC catalog which have no equivalent in
an XML Catalog should rightly be thrown away IMHO. SGML processors arent 
going to handle XML catalogs - which leaves only XML-based-technology
processors using XML catalogs and so I fail to see the value in these
elements. If you disagree, you'll have to enlighten me as to why.

> When all is said and done, I think Debian is also going to need to
> provide network-accessible dtds (if we already don't), by defining a
> special subdir on a debian webserver. In this way we can provide
> persistent URLs for debian-specific dtds and other xml resources (such
> as stylesheet customizations, etc.)
> Something along the lines of "http://www.debian.org/xml/..."; ought to
> suffice.

	Good idea.

> > While xsltproc doesnt reference the 'net for this DTD when it uses
> > the catalogs, that is not to say that there wont be another XSL
> > processor or other XML programs that need to reference this DTD.
> ...which is why I think it also makes sense to put the dtds on the
> web...
	Well...yes. But it is also important to have the DTDs available
locally so that a machine that is not on the internet can process XML
documents. I think you agree with me on this, but I'm not a 100% sure -
hence the repetition.


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