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Re: where is sdocbook-xml

Mark Johnson <mark@phy.duke.edu> writes:

> Yeah, I have various versions of the simplified docbook-xml, but none
> have been uploaded because:
> - I'm not yet an official maintainer (I still haven't heard back.)

I can "sponsor" for you.

> - We haven't agreed on where the files should be installed.

Yes, it's pretty easy to write your rules files such that it's easy to
move the dirs around later.

I would suggest you get the packages uploaded even based on your
suggested structure, and then we can change it later.

> And some of the apt-get-able the packages at the dulug site won't work
> due to problems with the new sgml-base. I'll fix them today/tonight.
> If you need the simplified docbook right now, you can apt-get
> docbook-simple from the old stuff (no source packages):
>  http://dulug.duke.edu/~mark/debian/old ./

Something's wrong with the setup.  I can't actually use apt to get
packages from there.  I've tried with:

  deb http://dulug.duke.edu/~mark/debian ./


  deb http://dulug.duke.edu/~mark debian/

Neither work.

> I also kludged some useful processing packages together. Try an
> apt-get install saxon-catalog from the same source. It comes with a
> script "saxcat", and you'll need a JVM > 1.2. The script I use
> "saxchunk" automatically calls the chunking html stylesheet. I'll
> paste it at the end of this message.
> I can quickly make a full debian package for the current setup in
> /usr/lib/sgml and maybe you or someone else can upload it??

Eh?  Full setup for what?

> > Are there any other tasks perhaps Holger could help with?
> Yes, definitely. 
> We _really_ need a virtual package scheme for XSL stylesheets, the
> virtual package (docbook-xslt-tools??) would play the role for xsl
> that jade does for the dsssl stylesheets.
> Unlike the case with jade and dsssl, there are a zillion xslt
> processors. And most of them won't work with the docbook xsl
> stylesheets. (I can't get the current xalan package to work, for
> example.) Specific packagees would have to be built that would
> "provides" docbook-xslt-tools. 

Why wouldn't it just provide 'xsl-processor'.  Likewise, jade/openjade
should provide 'dsssl-processor'. Isn't this what you're asking for?

> Without such a scheme, the xsl stylesheets can't really depend on
> anything. To me, that would be the number one priority.

If we can agree on the semantics and the name, I can propose such a
scheme to debian-policy.

> In conjunction, all the sources for the lib* packages in the above
> directory probably need to be recompiled before being packaged. I
> dunno--does java-policy require that? Maybe Holger could look into
> that, as well. I don't have time right now. I also have to fix some
> licensing issues in the *catalog* packages.
> BTW, those lib* packages are key to having a working docbook xml
> system for debian: they provide xslt processsing with catalog
> support. I have source packages for all of them.

I'm confused and don't know anything about this.

If you want my help uploading, I'm most interested in getting the
Docbook extension packages in 
.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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