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Re: sysadmin in training

On 2023-05-12 09:53:15 -0700 (-0700), Jeffrey Chimene wrote:
> Agreed. Actually, ossec itself has a debian package, so no ITP for
> me :). It made my work significantly easier since the regex
> package (pcre2) isn't part of the distro; the absence has a
> reason, but it's still an impediment that ossec itself has
> addressed with their .deb

I'm not sure that official Debian documentation, particularly
security-focused documentation, should recommend that sysadmins
install packages from third party archives. That'll be up to the
maintainers of the documentation to decide, of course.

But beyond that...

> wget -q -O - https://updates.atomicorp.com/installers/atomic | sudo bash

There's a bit of irony in suggesting that security-conscious
sysadmins should download and run arbitrary scripts, much less with
root privileges. `curl|sudo bash` has virtually become a meme unto
itself these days.
Jeremy Stanley

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