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RE: Changing the "Reply-To:" for debian-security-announce

Title: RE: Changing the "Reply-To:" for debian-security-announce


Why put it there if there is already a perfectly good standard, RFC 2369 (from 1998!, so about as new as IPv6) that describes where to put the mailing list information: in the headers of the mail.

And guess what? That's exactly where the Debian lists already places this information.

-----Original message-----
From: Emiliano del Peon <edelpeon@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday 2nd March 2016 12:22
To: Andrew Vaughan <andrewjvaughan.lists@gmail.com>
Cc: debian-security@lists.debian.org; listmaster@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: Changing the "Reply-To:" for debian-security-announce

Or it could be add just as a signature to the mail. Like:

    More content

    To unsubscribe send an email with subject: "Unsubsribe" to debian-security@lists.debia.org

I think this clearly separates the content of the message and list management stuff

This email has been sent from a virus-free computer protected by Avast.

2016-03-02 8:12 GMT-03:00 Andrew Vaughan <andrewjvaughan.lists@gmail.com>:
I'm wondering why the body of the email doesn't include instructions on how
to unsubscribe?  Most modern email clients will recognise http and
email addresses
and make them clickable even in plain text messages.  I realise that adds noise
to every message, but people are good at skimming past irrelevant bits.

Just adding "To unsubscribe email:debian-security-request@lists.debian.org
with the subject unsubscribe" at the bottom of every email might halve
the noise.

Not sure if email clients will do the right thing with subject but "To
email:debian-security-request@lists.debian.org?subject=unsubscribe " but if
they do that might be better.

Also if the web unsubscription form could handle addresses of the form
https://www.debian.org/MailingLists/unsubscribe/debian-security-announce, and
allow people to unsubscribe without needing to pick the right list
from a long list
an https unsubscription link would also be good.


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