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Re: avahi-daemon

On Wed, Feb 22, 2006, Michael Stone wrote:
> >From a pragmatic standpoint, pulling in nss-mdns is a PITA because it 
> makes certain name queries take forever--so there are reasons aside from 
> security to think this is annoying.

 (nss-mdns does mdns too, but it's not related to avahi)

> Securitywise, there is no doubt in my mind that this mdns stuff will 
> open a lot of new vulnerabilities in the future--the history of this 
> sort of service suggests that it is inevitable. Making it easy to pull 
> in and activate as a side effect of apparantly-unrelated packages is, 
> IMO, a mistake.

 From a security point of view, everything feature introduce risk.  If
 you base all you reasonning on security, that is if you make security
 rule number 1, you get zero feature.

 I do agree that is is slightly different in that it adds a passive hole
 as soon as the package is installed in contrast with packages being
 dangerous when used by end-users.

> The real question is whether installing gnome should mean that you get
> multicast dns. I'll bet that the number of people who want the former is 
> significantly larger than the number who want (or know they're getting, 
> or even care about) music browsing.

 You can't take the decision to remove a feature because most people
 install GNOME for other reasons than that feature.  Otherwise one would
 use the same reasonning for all features in GNOME and remove them all.

 But I agree with the former part: the question is do we support
 multicast DNS or not?  When I look at the results of my mdns queries
 here, I have no doubt it will soon be a requirement since I see:
 - computers
 - a music remote control interface
 - music shares
 - HTTP and SSH servers (that's less common)
 - administrative interface for wifi APs


Loïc Minier <lool@dooz.org>
Current Earth status:   NOT DESTROYED

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