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Re: Unusual spam recently - hummm

Incoming from Phillip Hofmeister:
> On Thu, 03 Jun 2004 at 01:32:55PM -0400, s. keeling wrote:
> > Assuming my incoming mail is POPped off my ISP's mailhost and my
> > outgoing mail goes to my ISP's mailhost, how do I implement this?
> > 
> > If I can't, what does my ISP have to do to implement this?
> User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.28i
> You use Mutt, a wonderful MUA if I must say so myself...

I agree.  It's only failing that I can see is it encourages
insufferable smugness on the part of its users ("Nyaa, nyaa. My mailer
is marter, more conformant, faster, more configurable, and better
documented and supported than your mailer!  Nyaa, nyaa!
Pthbthbthbthb!" :-)

> I don't know how you currently handle your email.  Whether you use IMAP

My ISP has SA installed and running globally.  I have a procmail
recipe in my shell account on the ISP pluck out the crap and segregate
it in a spamfile on my ISP.  I can view it with webmail and blow it
all away without DLing it.

I have procmail here on my own machine splitting mail into folders
locally and some more spam matching recipes to handle whatever manages
to make it past SA.

It has been slowly building up to the point that this system is verging
on the unmanageable.  So much crap (unsubscribes, viruses, worms, ...)
are coming in from mailing lists, I now have two passes filtering out
crap, before and after mailing list processing.  Add to that false
positives, whitelisting known senders, ... and it's becoming
annoying.  Most people would be very happy with the result but I've
come to the conclusion it's no longer good enough for me.  So, time
for a re-org.

> I don't use spamassisin, just bogofilter.  Here is my relevant
> procmailrc snippet...

Downloading it now, thanks.  Hopefully this gets me back to a
maintainable system without all the exception handling, whitelisting,
false positives & etc.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)               http://www.spots.ab.ca/~keeling 
- -

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