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Re: output of last

Incoming from Jan Lühr:
> Greetings,
> I discovered some strange output of the last command on our Woody 
> Terminalserver (for X11). I have already posted it on debian-user-german, but 
> I didn't get any answer. (I hope you don't mind, if I post it for the english 
> speaking majority)
> Although I hope it is not security related, I thing, it may have a security 
> related aspect, which I cannot ignore.
> At first a run ordinary chkrootkit scan (like I do it every one or two weeks). 

Two weeks?  I run it every night.

> This time, it discovered:
> Checking `wted'... 24 deletion(s) between Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970 and Sun Apr  
> 7 02:03:36 1974

Have you checked the chkrootkit archives for anything like this?

> 17 deletion(s) between Sun Jan 25 08:20:56 2004 and Sun Apr  7 02:03:36 1974

Whaat?!?  Between 2004 and 1974?!?

> So I renamed all relatedi files in order to start with a non-corrupt database.
> But what could have caused this corruption? The machine itself is quite stable 

Sunspots?  Disk errors?  Resource exhaustion?  Unless you can
definitively nail it down, I wouldn't start worrying until it happens

> But because of being a valuable information on intruders, intruders or illegal 
> root'ers might have compromised it.
> What's your opinion?

Can you send logging to another (perhaps dedicated) machine?

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)               http://www.spots.ab.ca/~keeling 
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