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I haven't seen this in iplogger.log yet.


This morning, I was looking through iplogger's log, and I found
something I haven't seen before:

Sat Apr 13 20:28:06 destination unreachable from
alvinetcore2-pos3-0.swe.sonera.net []
Sat Apr 13 20:28:07 destination unreachable from
alvinetcore2-pos3-0.swe.sonera.net []
Sat Apr 13 20:28:09 destination unreachable from
alvinetcore2-pos3-0.swe.sonera.net []

What the hell does this mean? I know, that iplogger logs that
"destination unreachable" very often, but it's been *always* from
localhost. Now some wierd hostmask I do not recognize and that
message. What is going on?

iplogger's version is 1.1-11. I'd be delighted, if someone could
ease up my heart's bouncing because of this unknown event; what I
know, it could be *anything*. But as I don't know, any insight
is highly appreciated; I'd really like to get this rock off of my
heart... I probably forgot to give you some information, but I'll
gladly give when asked -- because I can't know, what softwares
besides iplogger are related to this issue. So, hope to hear from
someone soon! *Every little anomaly* makes me SO paranoid, that
I'm almost taking the power off of my computer or at least shutting
down all services...

Jussi Ekholm <ekhowl@goa-head.org> | registered Linux user #269376
http://erppimaa.cjb.net/~ekhowl/   | UIN (ICQ):		   156057281 
ekh @ IRCNet			   | GnuPG Public Key ID:  1410081E

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