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Re: cups security

On Thu, Apr 11, 2002 at 09:56:51AM -0500, Torrin wrote:
> Good morning everybody, well at least morning over here in Cali.  For
> everybody else, Good afternoon, good evening and good night.
> I just installed cups and I was wondering if it's possible to have cups
> run properly without having port 631 open.  I don't like having ports
> open, especially since this computer will be the only one printing to
> this printer.  I looked at some of the doc on http://www.cups.org and
> didn't see anything.  Any ideas?

631 is ipp port. It's needed for admin and remote printing, you can
enable it only for localhost ( by adding 


in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf

(there are many security options like allow/deny networks/hosts in this
config file, but in your case, listen only on localhost will be the good

> Also, when I installed cups it said something about me needing to do a .
> . .
> route add -net netmask dev <interface>
> What's up with that?  I didn't see anything in the doc about that
> either.

That's for slp protocol (www.openslp.org), if you don't need it (I think
it's not usefull in your case), don't add the route line and don't
install slpd.

> You know, a howto would be nice right about now.  Anyway, thanks in
> advance for your insight.


apt-get install cupsys cupsys-bsd

customize /etc/cups/cupsd.conf for security, it's easy to understand I

Go to http://localhost:631/ and configure your printer

echo test | lpr 

... it works (theoritically...)

> Oh, and if any of you use pine, I won't hold it against you. :)

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