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Re: File transfer using ssh

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>>>>> "Rob" == Rob Helmer <robert@namodn.com> writes:

Rob> Hi Curt, It sounds like you want "sftp", which comes with SSHv2 and
Rob> is a passable FTP clone for SSH ( not quite as advanced as say
Rob> ncftp, but decent ).

Or in OpenSSH version 2.5 (or thereabouts - I don't remember exactly)
and later.  The ssh in sid (2.9p2) has it, and I would guess that
woody's version should have it too.

If you must use potato, though, potato has an "sftp" package, but this
is different from the sftp protocol used by ssh, and you may run into
problems when you upgrade your ssh package (and indeed, sid's ssh
conflicts with sftp, although sid has an "hsftp" package which seems to
give the same functionality as "sftp" did).

Rob> Also, you can send inividual files to an SSH server with the "scp"
Rob> command.

A fourth alternative is to use rsync through an ssh link.

A fifth alternative, if you use emacs, is to get the TRAMP package,
which is like ange-ftp on steroids.  There's a tramp package in sid (and
maybe woody), or you can download the source from

Rob> One last note : keep in mind that if you decide to tunnel FTP over
Rob> SSH for some reason ( as some do ), FTP uses two TCP ports, not one
Rob> : one for control ( commands ) and the other for data.

Unless you use passive mode.

- -- 
Hubert Chan <hackerhue@geek.com> - http://www.geocities.com/hubertchan/
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