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Re: iptables install

Jeff Coppock <jcoppock1@home.com> writes:

>    I want to run iptables, but I'm running stable. I have a clean,
>    bootable 2.4.6 kernel (took awhile, but I got it), and then realized
>    that the iptable package in not in stable, but is in testing and
>    unstable. I looked for deb-src, but couldn't find any. I figured I
>    could compile it on my stable machine.
>    Do I need to dist-upgrade to woody to use iptables?

Not a whole dist-upgrade, no, but you might be best off putting a deb-src
entry for testing in sources.list, `apt-get update'-ing, and then doing an
        apt-get source iptables
        cd iptables-*
        dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
        sudo dpkg -i ../iptables*deb

and you'll be away in one. Probably. :8)

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