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Re: Google Summer of Code, Debian Science

Hello Drew,

It is a very good idea!

Though I would separate this task from QA-work on Debian Science
packages. If you want, we could apply one-more project (something
like HPC-testing of MPI-based science packages) and point special
requirements for possible applicants. Feel free to propose a text
for that. Thanks again!



Am Di., 22. Feb. 2022 um 12:52 Uhr schrieb Drew Parsons <dparsons@debian.org>:
> On 2022-02-21 17:42, Anton Gladky wrote:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > Google Summer of Code call for Debian is announced [1].
> > I am going to apply Debian Science Team as one of the projects.
> >
> > Main topic is QA-Work: Autopkgtests for high-popcon packages,
> > gitlab-CI for most of packages, bringing not-in-testing packages
> > into the proper shape to let them migrate to testing.
> >
> > If somebody wants to be a co-mentor or if you have better ideas
> > for the project, please let me know.
> >
> > [1]
> > https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2022/02/msg00002.html
> It would be helpful to run parallel/HPC performance testing for our MPI
> numerical packages.
> This would be a type of CI testing that we would set up to run regularly
> and report.
> Lucas Nussbaum is in charge of an academic supercomputing cluster that
> we can access to run such tests.
> Some packages have benchmarks already at hand.  The FEniCS project for
> instance offers fenicsx-performance-tests (both prebuilt and source).
> The project would determined how to set up MPI CI testing (how to
> activate it on Lucas' system), and what parameters (test size etc) to
> use to get meaningful numbers.
> A suggested tools for managing test parameters and results might be
> https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
> The report format could be similar to
> https://fenics.github.io/performance-test-results/
> or perhaps the GSoC worker could come up with a better way of presenting
> results.
> It would be useful to be able to quantify how well our HPC packages
> actually scale (in cloud computing environments) and monitor if there's
> any drop in performance (e.g. with version updates)
> Also useful to report their performance with the various BLAS
> alternatives.
> This would be valuable GSoC project I think.
> Drew

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