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Re: Google Summer of Code, Debian Science


Am Mon, Feb 21, 2022 at 05:42:56PM +0100 schrieb Anton Gladky:
> Google Summer of Code call for Debian is announced [1].
> I am going to apply Debian Science Team as one of the projects.
> Main topic is QA-Work: Autopkgtests for high-popcon packages,
> gitlab-CI for most of packages, bringing not-in-testing packages
> into the proper shape to let them migrate to testing.
> If somebody wants to be a co-mentor or if you have better ideas
> for the project, please let me know.

I'm basically running the same GSoC project in Debian Med (as in
previous years) and to my experience this is an extremely valuable
project.  Students have a low entry barrier and its quite granted that
you get sensible output since it is split into tiny tasks which are all
helpful once solved.

If you want me to run this script[1] also for Debian Science as I do it
in a cron job for Debian Med I can very easily do it.  The text file[2]
(result of the cron job) has turned out to be very helpful for the
intern (and others!) to pick sensible packages.

Kind regards


[1] https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/community/helper-scripts/-/blob/master/missing-autopkgtest
[2] https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/community/helper-scripts/-/blob/master/debian-med-tests.txt


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