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Re: Debian Math Team

Hi Andrius,

Thanks for replying. See below :-

On Sat, Oct 30, 2021 at 10:33:02AM +0300, Andrius Merkys wrote:
> Hi,
> On 2021-10-29 20:31, Torrance, Douglas wrote:
> > During the Debian Science BoF at this year's DebConf, there was some
> > discussion of creating a team devoted to packaging mathematical software.
> I agree with Anton here. I do not see how further fragmentation of
> debian-science could benefit it. I missed the BoF, but maybe there are
> notes reflecting this decision?

No notes, Andreas came up with this idea in debconf, you could find it on videos.debian.net.
But anyways, I have the following point to make:

1. Separate team will help keep track of math-specific software, making it easy for
interested folks to work on them. Currently there is no specific team, and packages
are scattered across several teams which is (in my eyes) a bit haphazard

2. debian-math meta-package (with a separate team) -- this will help researchers to get
math related software and tooling in one go (exactly like the debian-med metapackage)

3. Easier to find and contribute for people -- I am sure there are a lot of people on this list,
and even DDs who are interested in math, having such a team helps them approach and contribute well.

4. Better maintainance - Lots of math softwares which are still lying un-updated, or broken in some ways.
So it helps improve the overall quality

5. We have debichem team for chemistry packages, astro team for astronomy ones, and now even a new robotics team
We had a new AI team made a few months back. These would also come under science earlier, so if we could
make teams for specific domains, *and* they are doing well, why not do so for math?
I mean this comes as a very natural choice to me, considering other blends.

> Separate team and separate mailing list will have less members than
> debian-science.

Well, every other team has started exactly the same way in Debian (i.e. less members) -- it would
grow with time, I don't think it'll be stalled for ever.
I could _somehat_ agree with the mailing list thingy, maybe we can
keep using this list for discussions.
> Furthermore, from my experience one does not need domain
> knowledge to successfully package and maintain packages in Debian.
> What makes more sense to me, is organizing packages into teams based on
> programming languages and build/test systems, as such teams indeed
> possess specific knowledge. I think most of the mails asking for help in
> debian-med concern language and build system problems, not
> domain-specific issues. 

I'm sorry, but I have to admit this argument of yours is sloppy, Andrius. 
By this logic, we could push entire debian-med python packages into python-team,
java packages into java-team and so on...

You also mentioned debian-med above, so if you think everything would be per-language
organised, why do you think separate teams (like -med, or -astro) should even exist?

The whole point of blends is to help people with "specific" needs, right.
and such teams help organize that in a reliable way.
And Fwiw, people do
ask sometimes about software in debian-med (check element), people do file bug reports there, et. al.
Many upstreams are tied to -med team, and that could've never happened without domain-specific knowledge.

> I am worried reading about R packages being moved from debian-r to new
> debian-math. I am afraid doing so might negatively impact their quality.

You are right in your worries, but I have some statistics to present here.
See here[1] or more specifically, look here[2,3]

You would notice that in recent times, the most active people there (Andreas, myself, Steffen, Dylan etc)
are also the members of debian-med and also the members of debian-science.
And if we have a math team, I'm sure atleasts some of these people would be involved there.

The number of pure math software in R package team is in no way overflowing, so I really think this should
be manageable. The probability of it having a bit-rot will be less -- atleast not high with me, Andreas, Doug et. al.
being around.

However if you very strongly feel about it, we could leave the R packages where they are and continue maintaining
them under R package umbrella.

Should you want more explanation, do let me know and I'll be happy to discuss.

[1]: http://blends.debian.net/liststats/
[2]: http://blends.debian.net/liststats/uploaders_r-pkg.png
[3]: http://blends.debian.net/liststats/commitstat_pkg-r.png


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