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opencv: help wanted due to overload

Hi Science Team,

I'd like to ask for some help since I find myself quite busy and
overloaded these days, for the upcoming CVPR submission deadline.  And
recently my energy for debian has been fully occupied by the PyTorch and
its build dependencies. As a result opencv has been left behind
according to my schedule.

The help I need is simple and straight forward: Sync and update the
copyright information for the imported 4.5.0 upstream release:
The package is already in good shape (it builds everywhere, I suppose)
except that single file. So you may directly team upload it after
finishing the review and update.

Thanks in advance. I just find it difficult to preallocate a block of
time in my schedule these days :-(

P.S. Initially I was thinking about dragging it, but the current
astonishingly empty NEW queue encouraged me to ask for help and get
OpenCV 4.5 through NEW queue as early as possible so we can handle the
transition early for the upcoming bullseye release.

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