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Re: RFS ete

> The package fails to build on clean sid chroot. Most likely some Python
> dependencies are missing from debian/control.

I have reproduced the problem both in gitlab ci
(https://salsa.debian.org/zhaofeng-shu33-guest/ete/-/jobs/844865) and
my local docker env (debian:sid).
After verbosing pytest, I find the `render` command crashes the Python
interpreter. This may due to non-gui docker, which is not reproducible
in gui-vm or normal desktop environment.

ete3/test/test_api.py::Test_Coretype_Tree::test_treeid PASSED

                                         [ 95%]
ete3/test/test_api.py::Test_Coretype_Tree::test_ultrametric PASSED

                                         [ 97%]
ete3/test/test_api.py::Test_Coretype_Treeview::test_renderer Aborted
(core dumped)

> I see you have named the repository 'ete3'. This means you want to name
> the source package 'ete3' as well, or was this unintentional?

I create the repository name by mistake.

> The copyright entry for 'SQLite-Levenshtein' seems still missing from
> debian/copyright. Could you please add it?
This part is in public domain, claimed by the author. I am confused
how to write proper paragraph in `debian/copyright`

> By the way, packaging of 'ete3' seems to be ongoing in Debian Med team
> as well (adding Andreas in CC):
> https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/python-ete3. I suggest getting in
> touch with them to keep duplicate efforts minimal.
If no further problem exists, I will consider merging the efforts of
https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/python-ete3 with my repo in the next


On Fri, Jul 3, 2020 at 10:10 PM <merkys@debian.org> wrote:
> On 2020-07-03 13:50, zhao feng wrote:
> > Thanks for your help. I can build the package on buster and bullyseye.
> > Which distribution do you use? I find the version of softwares like
> > python is quite new.
> The package fails to build on clean sid chroot. Most likely some Python
> dependencies are missing from debian/control.
> > The upstream uses `ete` as the name of repository but they call the
> > Python package `ete3`. In their paper, they explain the number 3 is
> > the version and in their roadmap they plan to release `ete4`.
> > (https://github.com/etetoolkit/ete/wiki/ROADMAP). I think using a
> > version independent name like `ete` for source package and
> > `python3-ete` for library is convenient. How to do think about it?
> I agree that the source package could stay named 'ete'. However, after
> reading the Debian Python naming conventions [1] I became even more
> convinced to name the package 'python3-ete3'.
> [1]
> https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/python-policy/module_packages.html#package_names
> > 2-5 has been fixed now.
> The copyright entry for 'SQLite-Levenshtein' seems still missing from
> debian/copyright. Could you please add it?
> > I have created a directory in
> > https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/ete3 but I do not have
> > privileges to create a branch. Can you help on it?
> I see you have named the repository 'ete3'. This means you want to name
> the source package 'ete3' as well, or was this unintentional?
> By the way, packaging of 'ete3' seems to be ongoing in Debian Med team
> as well (adding Andreas in CC):
> https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/python-ete3. I suggest getting in
> touch with them to keep duplicate efforts minimal.
> Best wishes,
> Andrius

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