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Re: [ROS] Bringing ros-visualization to Debian

Hi Dino,

On 06/09/18 11:36, H. wrote:
> Attachment was missing...
> Am Donnerstag, den 06.09.2018, 11:14 +0200 schrieb H.:
>> Hi,
>> First of all I have to say that it's great to work with ROS under
>> Debian because it just works out-of-the-box without any additional
>> package sources.
>> A couple of months ago I tried to use the ros-visualization package
>> which is not available in the Debian sources. I think there was a big
>> Qt transition going on at that time. Since the visualization tools
>> depend heavily on Qt, I wasn't able to build them. However, today I
>> tried again and got the tools basically running, so maybe they could
>> be
>> put into a package now.

of ros-visualization which packages do you need?


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