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RFS: palp/2.1-1


I am looking for a sponsor for my package "palp"

 * Package name     : palp
   Version          : 2.1-1
   Upstream Authors : M. Kreuzer, E.Riegler, H.Skarke and N.-O. Walliser
 * URL              :
 * License          : GPL
   Section          : math

It builds a single binary package :

palp - Package for Analyzing Lattice Polytopes

To access further information about this package, please visit the
following URL: http://mentors.debian.net/package/palp

Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this
dget -x

This package can go through a cycle of debuild - debuild clean -debuild
without problem, and builds within pbuilder.

The current maintainer of palp in debian, Tim Abbott, is ok with my
taking maintainership, and Bart Martens can confirm this if needed.

Snark on #debian-science and #debian-mentors

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