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Re: linux 2.4.x and /proc/ANYPID/environ - is it emtpy?


On Tue, Jan 08, 2002 at 03:47:25PM +0100, Mykola Golub wrote:
> из Unix Programming FAQ:
> 1.13 How do I change the name of my program (as seen by `ps')?
> ==============================================================
> On BSDish systems, the `ps' program actually looks into the address
> space
> of the running process to find the current `argv[]', and displays that.
> That enables a program to change its `name' simply by modifying
> `argv[]'.

Наверное, линукс более 'BSDish systems', чем FreeBSD, ибо в FreeBSD ps выводит
правильные значения:
#ps -aux|grep 84516
jeg      84516  0.0  0.6   828  368  p2  I+    5:05пп   0:00.01 ./arg
, а не 'something', как ожидалось.
#uname -sr
> On SysVish systems, the command name and usually the first 80 bytes of
> the
> parameters are stored in the process' u-area, and so can't be directly
> modified. There may be a system call to change this (unlikely), but
> otherwise the only way is to perform an `exec()', or write into kernel
> memory (dangerous, and only possible if running as root).
> Some systems (notably Solaris) may have two separate versions of `ps',
> one
> in `/usr/bin/ps' with SysV behaviour, and one in `/usr/ucb/ps' with BSD
> behaviour. On these systems, if you change `argv[]', then the BSD
> version
> of `ps' will reflect the change, and the SysV version won't.
> Check to see if your system has a function `setproctitle()'.

Под солярисом у меня обе версии ps работают так же, как и под FBSD.

Может, эот именно линуксовая специфика?

Elena Egorova

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