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Re: webgen (finally)

Am / On Sat, 13 Mar 2021 15:26:52 +0100
schrieb / wrote Daniel Leidert <dleidert@debian.org>:

> > So the question would be: How can we assure that rdoc
> > preserves the timestamps of copied template-files while
> > building the documentation in build-doc, or at least,
> > that these timestamp are the same on each build-run?  
> I think this is more of a global issue. IMHO you
> shouldn't worry about that regarding webgen. diffoscope
> only reports the different timestamps, nothing more. So
> they are esentially the same files. I think this result
> is rather odd.

O.k., than I ignore the failing reprotest-jobs :-)

> > Another thing I'm wondering about is the fact that the
> > copied truetype-fonts in the packages exist only in
> > compressed format as ttf.gz.  I know that they are
> > copied by rdoc to build-doc uncompressed ttf's. So,
> > what compressed them?  
> dh_compress probably.

I just checked: the rdoc-documentation is also readable
with this fonts being compressed. So there's no need to
change anything.

I fixed the lintian grumbles about trailing whitespaces;
what leaves the following:

- doc-package-depends-on-main-package Depends:
 lintian suggests to remove the dependency of webgen-doc on
 webgen which in a way seems reasonable. Shall I change

- groff-message usr/share/man/man1/webgen.1.gz can't set
  the locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct:
  I don't even mean what this means


Klaumi Klingsporn
mail: klaumikli@gmx.de
web: www.klaumikli.de

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