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an tentative list of tasks for the Ruby Sprint?

Dear team members,

The Sprint is approaching. It is probably time to collect ideas of tasks
to work on during these few days. Unfortunately, the chances that Jessie
is released before the sprint come close to zero. But we'll be able to
play with experimental.

I am working on rspec3, adapting the work by Lunar for a monolithic
package (but with no git submodules for the moment). I hope to have
something okish for next week. So that we can have the packages rebuilt
against it and analyse causes of failure during the sprint (or even
before ?!).

Fixing the various tools we use for reproducible builds would also be

There are also a decent quantity of RC bugs of ruby packages in

With Tomasz, some time ago, we looked at the debci failures for Ruby
packages, but never made our findings public. The report is still stuck
in gobby.debian.org. Could be nice to work on that too.

You're invited to edit the wiki page of the sprint and add your own ideas :)


EDIT: Looking for the link of the wiki page, I just saw that Antonio already wrote
his ideas :)



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