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Re: help with running tests for rails using gems

On 06/02/2013 12:46 PM, Christian Hofstaedtler wrote:
* Sam Ruby <rubys@intertwingly.net> [130602 18:31]:

 From what I can see in the shoulda-matchers tests, the test
application has a Gemfile.lock, which tries to pull in a version of
"i18n" that is not in the Debian archive.
For your tests to succeed, you'll need to Build-Depend on ruby-i18n,
and I *think* remove the Gemfile.lock.

My current stance on shipping packages that use Bundler to manage
their dependencies, is, that one cannot ever ship a Gemfile.lock in
a Debian package and expect things to work.

Reasonable stance. That being said, the following sequence of commands produces the same error:

$ rm Gemfile.lock; git-buildpackage --git-ignore-new

In fact, one doesn't even need shoulda-matchers at all to reproduce this error. The following command also suffices:

$ rails new foobar.

- Sam Ruby

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