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Re: Ruby-full, last episode ?

On 4/23/07, Lucas Nussbaum <lucas@lucas-nussbaum.net> wrote:
If I understand it correctly, ruby-full will depend only on packages
built from the ruby1.8 source (ie core+stdlib+irb+ri+...). If so, why
not integrate it into the ruby1.8 source package ?

 Actually, it would rather be in the ruby source package, as I plan
to use 'short names', such as irb, rdoc and not their 1.8-ending
counterparts. I think that it really should be the way to go (but see

Also, what are the opinions of the ruby1.8 maintainers about that ?

 To be truthful, I didn't get any input from the ruby1.8 maintainers,
though that would be great...



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