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Re: Problem installing a number of rails apps with debian/unstable

On 26/09/05, Lucas Nussbaum <lucas@lucas-nussbaum.net> wrote:
> On 25/09/05 at 16:59 -0400, Douglas F. Calvert wrote:
> > This is what I do not understand. I tried the following and now gem is
> > complaining that rake is not installed, but I know it is. Is there a
> > way to register all the debian packages with the manually installed
> > rubygems?
> No, because only RubyGems developers know The Right Way to do things,
> and APT is an horrible hack, so RubyGems developers won't add a
> "register" command to gem so you could register packages installed
> externally.

Oh, grow up. This is boring now. This:

* a new gem comes out
* debian packagers manually convert it into a .deb
* it filters through the usual approval process
* you tell gem about it with your mythical 'register' command (by
which time a new one is probably out)

doesn't strike you as *insane* in any way?

If I ever want to run 'gem install anything', apt is going to merrily walllop
things next time I apt-get upgrade anyway.

apt can't handle multiple installed versions of a lib - it's not a gem
gem is going to be a cross-platform standard.
It isn't going to support 'register' on every platform.
The debian packaging team would benefit from reusing gem packaging
features, but the gem team gains precisely jack shit from adding
features just to make some debian users happy.

If you have a better solution than apt delegating to gem, which I
suggested last week, I'd love to hear it.

if other_ideas.any? { |idea| idea.better_than?(whining) }.empty?

Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns

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