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Re: libalgorithm-diff-ruby: Dummy package still needed?

severity 322016 normal

Hi Dmitry,

> This bug is relevant to many other Ruby packages, so I'm copying
> debian-ruby ML.

Were there any responses to this on the Ruby ML?

> Debian Ruby Policy states:

>   The package name libfoo-ruby should be used for a dummy package that
>   depends on libfoo-rubyX.Y that is packaged for default version of
>   ruby X.Y. By using such a dummy package, user can easily follow
>   upgrading.

> Ruby 1.6 -> 1.8 wasn't the last migration ever, so when Ruby 2.0 is
> out, we will need all these dummy dependency packages again. If we are
> to keep the Ruby Policy as it is, this bug should be closed.

> Or should we get rid of all the dummy packages and deal with the next
> migration is some other way?

So, the question I have is, are users actually using these packages in
the described manner?  It seems that *packagers* are not, or at least,
there are no packages in Debian which depend on libalgorithm-diff-ruby.
Since libalgorithm-diff-ruby also doesn't Depend: ruby (>= 1.8), ruby
(<< 1.9), having the libalgorithm-diff-ruby package installed doesn't
ensure that the module is available for use from /usr/bin/ruby, so it
doesn't seem very useful for preserving the user experience.

In any case, this package isn't a dummy package in the sense the
submitter meant it, so this bug should certainly be downgraded.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
vorlon@debian.org                                   http://www.debian.org/

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