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Re: R 4.4.0 coming April 24

On 21/04/2024 15:32, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

On 21 April 2024 at 15:25, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
| On 4/21/24 3:04 PM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| > R upstream no longer releases or tests for 32 bits (and has not since the R
| > 4.3.0 release a year ago) so 'expect trouble there'.  I think you all in the
| > release team may need to override this to unblock.
| Wouldn't it be better then to add architecture-is-64-bit to the r-base
| build dependencies to prevent it from building on 32bit architectures
| and then file partial RM bugreports for r-base and its rdeps to get them
| removed from the 32bit architectures?

Yes!! I actually grep'ed among all my (100+) packages but did not see an
example.  I may be missing the best way to do this: so is this (new to me)
'architecture-is-64-bit' the way to do it?  A quick 'apt-cache search' leads
me to 'architecture-properties'.

I would be in favor. So thanks for the suggestion!  Are there concerns or
side effects or our desire to build for as many platforms as possible etc?

Building for more platforms is desirable in Debian, even if upstream doesn't officially support it. So removal from 32-bit architectures should be a last resort, only to be done if there's no other choice.


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