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Bug#1040001: Role of tibble? (Was: Bug#1040001: Seeking advise how to proceed with the transition / move R stack to testing)


Here is a case in point from looking at the current excluses list (which is
by now indeed a little shorter).

One package that jumps out is r-cran-maldiquant. We are at version 1.22, with
Debian build 1.22-1.

But one second at the CRAN site and the page for the package shows that it is
upstream at 1.22.1, since March, with a sole entry in NEWS being

  CHANGES IN MALDIquant VERSION 1.22.1 [2023-03-20]:

  * Use symbols instead of names in `.Call` for faster lookup of C functions.

So there it is.

Someone simply didn't update our Debian package, so it lacks this change and
fingers point at r-base when the fault, if there is one, is to let our
package slip behind a compilation and code standard established at CRAN for
the R 4.3.0 relese in April.

I still have hopes that we can let technical excellence rule and not require
blunt instruments such as forced recompilation.

Because with slips like this, even forcing recompilation of over 1000+
sources packages times 10+ architectures (for binary-any) will not help
against stale code, and hence mismatched expectations in the language engine
(r-base) and its client packages. 

Best,  Dirk

dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd@debian.org

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