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Re: [Pkg-rust-maintainers] rust ecosystem worries of a release team member


Am 03.02.20 um 13:08 schrieb Sylvestre Ledru:
> I have been told that the transition of one of the build-dep is blocked by packages blocked in NEW...
> Not sure which one.

this is more or less what I mean, we should get clearance about the root
of problems.

> We already started a discussion with the Debian release management team to simplify the acceptation of
> packages already existing in the archive but with a new binary coming.

Sounds good!

>> While Fosdem I've talked with Paul 
> Paul ?

Paul Grevers aka elbrus

> FYI, I've never been a QA manager at Mozilla. I was running the release management team
> (but doing something else now).
> But yeah, I do see what you mean.

O.k. than my minds have fooled me, but never mind, glad you see what I'd
like to mention.

Carsten Schoenert

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