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Re: Is the freeze the start or end of the day? ... or something else? Upload or built?


On 08-03-2019 08:53, Rebecca N. Palmer wrote:
> On 06/03/2019 07:19, Niels Thykier wrote:
>> [...]
>>>> [... Quote from elbrus ...]> Does "installed" imply "built"?  Due to
>>>> the above bug, statsmodels
>> won't be buildable until pandas is fixed.
>> Yes and yes.
>> However, there would still have been alternative solutions where
>> statsmodels issue could have been resolved without an upload of
>> statsmodels and it would have migrated to testing without any issues in
>> time[1] for the soft freeze.
>>    If you are interested in the alternatives for future reference,  then
>> I am happy to explain/expand on this.  But given my suggestion above, I
>> assume it will not be relevant in this particular case.
> I'm not sure what you meant by this (it looks self-contradictory, which
> suggests there has been a misunderstanding), but the statsmodels
> migration clock says 5/10, so it evidently counts from upload not
> (delayed by the pandas bug) amd64 build.

I'm pretty sure that packages don't need to be build for the counter to
start. However, it is also not the upload that counts, but the moment
that the source is available to britney. I am not sure exactly when that is.


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