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Bug#740495: Moreinformation about imagemagick transition


About imagemagick transition:
a. I have tried to compile every dependency [1] in pbuilder
b. Every package work except:
    1.  gnudatalanguage has a dependency problem due to a virtual
package (b-d uninstable)
    2. [pythonmagick] FTBFS with new (experimental) imagemagick
version BUT a newer version is waiting from maintainer and will be
uploaded when newer imagemagick hit unstable
    3. libtuxcap does not work but is not on dependency list and I
have carried a patch (does not use imagemagick only at configure time)
    4. virtuoso-opensource FTBFS but work with a patch
    5. nip2 FTBFS. I have not patches but I have found one non
distributable file (lena) and one non free icc file trying to patch
it. I could not do a NMU due to these problems
    6. ruby-rmagick FTBFS but will be likely fixed by my imagmagick
comaintener and ruby-rmagick maintainer vincent (here in cc).

So i think it near green light for imagemagick


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