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Re: Roll call for porters of architectures in sid and testing

+++ Niels Thykier [2013-09-01 09:33 +0200]:
>   Hi,
>   I am an active porter for the following architectures and I intend
>   to continue this for the lifetime of the jessie release:

    arm64, armhf, armel
   For arm64, I did much of the original ubuntu bootstrap and am
currently restarting the stalled Debian bootstrap.

mostly I do this stuff:
   - build/test/maintain cross-toolchains for these architectures
   - test crossbuilds for these architectures
   - work on core multiarch/bootstrapping/crossbuilding tech in Debian

occaisionally I do other porter tasks:
   - triage arch-specific bugs
   - fix arch-related bugs
   currently largely only on arm64.

I have in the past helped maitain buildds but I don't think I'm
authorised for that any more.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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