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Fixing psgml in xemacs21-basesupport for potato ?


You'll read in http://bugs.debian.org/54387 that psgml in potato has
problems - indeed it cannot parse any DTD because of the problem.

The problem is fixed in woody, and no other bug-report against woody's
psgml in xemacs21 was filed.

It appears we made an announcement some time ago about SGML support,
that some of us may remember - http://www.debian.org/News/1999/19990330

I'd rate that this would justify to update the psgml files in potato's
xemacs21-basesupport.  I volunteer to do this and check that this will
work, but I'd like to know first whether it has any chances to get
into 2.2r3 or r4.

Opinions anyone ?
Yann Dirson <Yann.Dirson@fr.alcove.com>                 http://www.alcove.fr/

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