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Re: Bug#1029310: [Help] Re: Bug#1029310: src:r-cran-bayesplot: fails to migrate to testing for too long: autopkgtest regression

Hi Nilesh,

Am Mon, Jan 23, 2023 at 03:49:29PM +0530 schrieb Nilesh Patra:
> >I admit I'm running out of ideas but for the moment my last resort
> >is to skip the 8 affected test, let the packages migrate to testing
> >and revert skipping the tests afterwards.
> I did find an issue[3] which states ggplot2 breaks bayesplot 1.9.0 and spews the exact same errors we observe in debci.
> There's also an upstream issue with bayesplot installation (similar stuff again) where it works for some people but not for others, see[4].
> But then I'm not sure as to why it works for me, you and salsa CI. For now I'll have to dismiss it by calling it black magic.
> Your approach sounds fair. Maybe you should do what you wrote (disable tests, let it migrate, enable tests again)

I did so just to learn that there are new errors now[5].  I admit I've
lost my nerves and uploaded by really forcing acceptance of all errors[6].
I'll revert this after testing migration as well as the patch I tried

Kind regards
> >[1] https://ci.debian.net/packages/r/r-cran-bayesplot/testing/amd64/
> >[2] https://ci.debian.net/data/autopkgtest/testing/amd64/r/r-cran-bayesplot/28139180/log.gz
> [3]: https://github.com/tidyverse/ggplot2/blob/main/revdep/problems.md#bayesplot
> [4]: 
> https://github.com/stan-dev/bayesplot/issues/297

[5] https://ci.debian.net/data/autopkgtest/testing/amd64/r/r-cran-bayesplot/30633104/log.gz 
[6] https://salsa.debian.org/r-pkg-team/r-cran-bayesplot/-/blob/master/debian/tests/run-unit-test#L15


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