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kidletime source package is missing some (autogenerated/derived) source files

Dear kidletime Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers,

I noticed that the Debian source package for kidletime (and for experimental's kf6-kidletime) doesn't include autogenerated source file assets.

While debugging a coredump from a baloo_file_extractor crash with gdb, gdb couldn't find the following source files:

file not found: ./obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/plugins/wayland/./obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/plugins/wayland/wayland-ext-idle-notify-v1-client-protocol.h
file not found: ./obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/plugins/wayland/./obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/plugins/wayland/qwayland-ext-idle-notify-v1.cpp

Searching the Internet for "wayland-ext-idle-notify-v1-client-protocol.h" and "qwayland-ext-idle-notify-v1.cpp" only gave few results, vaguely pointing to KDE's KIdleTime / Debian's kidletime.
Yet "apt source kidletime" didn't provide those files.

One head-scratching day later, I figured out these elusive source files are autogenerated assets source files created with "apt source --compile kidletime". This of course requires plenty of additional packages and setup to work (build tools, several dev libs, etc. / the Build-Depends from "apt-rdepends --build-depends --follow=DEPENDS kidletime" plus transitive dependencies).
I therefore want to bring to discussion if it makes sense to add such autogenerated asset source files to the Debian kidletime source package.
I haven't debugged much KDE/Wayland code, but I can imagine that more packages are affected by this gotcha/issue as well.

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