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Fwd: KDiff3 maintenance

Sent wrongly to qt-kde@lists.debian.org, 
so resending to debian-qt-kde@lists.debian.org...


I've been maintaining the Debian package of KDiff3 for over 15 years now.

It's been low effort in the last years; the original developer didn't do more
than some maintenance. But with the imminent removal of KDE 4 from 
Debian, I moved it to a not-really-ready package by a new developer 
overtaking and porting it to KF5: https://cgit.kde.org/kdiff3.git
Therefore, unfortunately KDiff3 in Buster is not well working. 

Meanwhile, in real life, I got father of twins, who eat up all my time
and are my priority of course.

I'd be happy if the Debian QT/KDE team could take the responsibility 
for KDiff3 (and move it to more modern means of packaging than Eike's
Computer ;) ). I'd be even more happy if I could keep upload rights for it,
but that's second. But, wait... second would be someone backporting 
the remedys for the most imminent crashes of KDiff3 in Buster and 
"make KDiff3 great again". ;)


Am Dienstag, 19. März 2019, 23:55:45 CEST schrieb Sandro Knauß:
> Hi,
> > I uploaded an untagged 1.7.90 version to Debian so it could still make it
> > in the next Debian release buster (which is supposed to get rid of QT4).
> > => https://packages.debian.org/buster/kdiff3
> ;)
> > > > Eike is the Debian packaging managed in a repo somewhere?  Are you
> > > > interested in making it part of the KDE Qt Debian team?
> > 
> > KDiff3 Debian packaging is managed all old-fashioned on my local PC
> > (for over 15 years now...). :)
> maybe time to update the packaging. Feel free to ask the teams list (debian-
> qt-kde@lists.debian.org) for help.
> > I didn't yet engage in team packaging...
> I'm active in the Qt/KDE Maintainers team and I think kdiff3 is a perfect
> candidate for the team maybe wanna join?
> regards
> hefee


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