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Re: Bug#904688: qttools-opensource-src: FTBFS: please drop the libclang-dev B-D on some architectures

On 07/28/2018 02:06 AM, Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo wrote:
> The packages matching the search contain code matching *.qdoc for
> example, not all necessarily invoke qdoc.  Maybe one can restrict the
> query to calls of qdoc from d/rules, but I think that there will be
> indirect ways to use qdoc (like "make" in docs dir or something).

>From what I understood, QDoc parses the source code and generates
the documentation from the sources and additional comments placed
into it. So, I guess the *.qdoc files you see there might be something
else and it's just a naming clash.

> Anyway, maybe I am misunderstanding the problem, but as I understand
> it (don't know for sure) is that qdoc was there for a long time, it's
> not a new thing, and what changed is that it now uses llvm/clang to
> parse and generate doc instead of some internal code or other external
> parsers.  And the breakage for some ports is that not all of them have
> support in llvm/clang, whereas presumably what they used before was
> OK.

Well, then we could hack something together using the old QDoc for
Ports. But again, I don't think we need to build documentation in
binary-arch targets.

>>> Probably not all of these will actually use it for building (maybe
>>> they will only test if available, and will generate an empty package
>>> or something), others might do it only on -indep as Adrian says.
>>> Almost certainly it will break some package.
>> It shouldn't break any package. Again, building documentation in the
>> binary-arch target should be considered a bug and get fixed.
> That's more or less what I said, in other words.  I am convinced that
> it will cause some breakage, because not all packages are perfect or
> because of corner cases, only that uncovering the breakage is probably
> a good thing in most or all cases, alerting about wrong practices.

I agree. That's also one very good reason why having many different
architectures in Debian are a good thing. It's tremendously useful
to find obscure bugs which might not show on every target.

 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer - glaubitz@debian.org
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin - glaubitz@physik.fu-berlin.de
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