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Bug#783724: Found fix for the problem also for Stretch 9

the problem also persists with Debian 9 Stretch,

Jul 3 16:29:25 unix_chkpwd client [31860]: check pass; user unknown
Jul 3 16:29:25 unix_chkpwd client [31861]: check pass; user unknown
Jul 3 16:29:25 unix_chkpwd client [31861]: password check failed for user (salvi.loris)
Jul 3 16:29:25 kcheckpass client [31859]: pam_unix (kde: auth): authentication failure; logname = uid = 1001 euid = 1001 tty =: 0 ruser = rhost = user = user1
Jul 3 16:29:25 kcheckpass client [31859]: pam_ldap: error trying to bind (Server is unwilling to perform)
Jul 3 16:29:25 kcheckpass client [31862]: pam_ccreds: launching binary helper

In practice, if the pwd is changed to login because it has expired (ldap), once this is blocked, this error occurs and the terminal can not be unlocked.

The solution to make it work is this:

chmod u + s / usr / lib / x86_64-linux-gnu / libexec / kcheckpass
dpkg-statoverride --update --add root root 4755 / usr / lib / x86_64-linux-gnu / libexec / kcheckpass

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