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Re: [Development] Qt/XCB applications and deadkeys and ibus (which cease working) (and sometimes the entire keyboard in Konsole)

On lunes, 12 de junio de 2017 10:32:17 -03 Allan Sandfeld Jensen wrote:
> On Montag, 12. Juni 2017 10:17:50 CEST René J. V. Bertin wrote:
> > Allan Sandfeld Jensen wrote:
> > > I am on Debian and found the same thing. Apt-get remove im-config solves
> > > the issue. Apparently it is a buggy package that forces Qt to use ibus
> > > without ensuring ibus is launched.
> > 
> > That's not what I saw. Ibus was always launched at login, and im-config
> > seems to get some length to ensure that applications always use the "best"
> > method available if the user didn't configure things to use a specific
> > method. That's why newly launched Qt applications work fine after exiting
> > ibus. The loss of keyboard input in Qt5 applications is a priori not a
> > packaging fault but a regression in Qt itself.
> > 
> > > Btw. In a similar vain of packages having a negative impact on Qt. I
> > > also
> > > recomment uninstalling at-spi2-core which sets the environment variable
> > > to
> > > force accessibility always on which has a big negative performance
> > > impact.

Right. We where asked to turn it on by default by the a11y team (CCIng). 
Granted we did not know it meant that it will have such a negative impact in 

> > Thanks for the suggestion, at least I could uninstall that one without
> > taking a sh*load of other packages along with it...
> > What env. variable would that be (I don't want to log off and on AGAIN
> > just
> > yet
> > 
> > :))
> It forces Qt to send accessibility events with new content trees everything
> something changes.
> Though the real problem might be that Linux lacks a good way to enable
> accessibility interfaces at runtime. On macOS and Windows, the same
> performance impact is only enabled if you start using a system accessibility
> feature.

That's possibly it. A11y team: do you think we can start this only if the 
right hardware is detected?

Mi experiencia me dice que lo que la gente quiere y necesita -en Indonesia, en
Turquía, en Italia, en los Estados Unidos, en Brasil, en la Argentina o donde
sea- es básicamente lo mismo. La gente quiere comida en la mesa, una vivienda
básica, un gobierno que funcione, que en las fuerzas de seguridad haya
personas confiables, a las que no tengan que tenerles miedo, educación y
salud. ¡La gente de todo el mundo quiere lo mismo!
  Padre Thomas Michel, jesuita, especialista en diálogo interreligioso,
  en una entrevista de Elisabetta Piqué para La Nación, 27/09/2006.

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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