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Bug#839716: plasma-widgets: For easier bug reports widgets should have an "About" Section containing the package they belong to.

¡Hola Maria!

El 2016-10-04 a las 11:24 +0200, Maria escribió:
Package: plasma-widgets-workspace Version: 4:4.11.13-2 Severity: wishlist File: plasma-widgets

Dear Maintainer,

writing bug reports about bugs in Plasma widgets or addons is sometimes quite difficult as it is not clear to which package they belong to.

Especially if you use a non-english language, you don't even know the official name of the widget/addon, so it is really hard work to find out where to write the bug report to. Even in the forums people sometimes can't help you, especially if your used language is much different than english therefore using completely different names.

Fazit: Widgets should have an "About" Section containing at least information about the package they belong to. This would make reporting of bug alot easier.

I don't see how this could be feasible under the Debian scope, but it shouldn't be too hard to do this on the upstream side of things, reporting the corresponding group (plasma, apps, extragear) and component (kdeplasma-addons, etc) a particular plasmoid belongs to. The relation between the upstream component names and the Debian source package names should be similar enough, and are probably easy to find, although you'll need to know how to report to the source package directly.

On the other hand, most kde applications have a Report Bug menu entry, that reports the issue upstream, which is the preferred report method for the not Debian specific issues, so it would make sense to add this "report bug" option to the plasmoids.

Could you please send the feature request upstream?

Happy hacking,
"Fighting patents one by one will never eliminate the danger of software
patents, any more than swatting mosquitoes will eliminate malaria."
-- Richard M. Stallman
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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