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Re: Qt4/5 library name extensions

Hi again

On Saturday 06 December 2014 08:31:42 Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer 
> > AFAIK no one is stepping on anyones toes.
> Using libQt5* might be. Remember that Qt's upstream are using that
> namespace already.
> libfoo4-qt5, making foo4-qt5 part of the soname, while not pretty
> works just fine.
Aha thanks, now I understand.
Adding -qtX to 3rd party libraries sounds like a fine general rule.
> There is really no more guidelines than keeping two separate sonames
> for the Qt4 and
> Qt5 versions. You can even take a look at Phonon to see how they do
> that directly from
> CMakeLists.txt (in casw qwt uses CMake). There are also examples for qmake
> out in the wild.
> And please tell Uwe that installing into different directories is not
> a sane option. Just keeping
> sonames different is enough.
I will.
> Kinds regards, Lisandro.

Thanks a lot for the answer Lisandro.


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