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Bug#711237: Logging into KDE turn off the screen (for laptops with i915.invert_brightness=1?)

reassign 711237 kde-workspace-bin
found 711237 4:4.8.4-6

Sune (svuorela on IRC) suggested I talked to Alex Fiestas (afiestas on
#solid - irc.freenode.net), and I did.  He suggested I ran
'kscreen-console bug' and said that the problem most likely is caused
by powerdevil, a kded module in the kde-workspace-bin package.

While trying to figure out what was causing the black scree, I also
got some ideas for debugging on #debian-kde, suggesting to use
kdebugdialog to enable debugging in ksmserver, ksplash and something
like that to get log messages to show up in .xsession-errors.

Luckily this did not prove neccessary, as powerdevil was the cause,
and editing /usr/share/kde4/services/kded/powerdevil.desktop, changing
X-KDE-Kded-autoload from true to false worked around the problem.

Reassigning this bug to the binary package most likely responsible.

The output from kscreen-console bug is attached.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen
Config::current() took 83 milliseconds 

========================xrandr --verbose========================== 

Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1600 x 900, maximum 32767 x 32767
LVDS1 connected 1600x900+0+0 (0x47) normal (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 383mm x 215mm
	Identifier: 0x42
	Timestamp:  21974
	Subpixel:   horizontal rgb
	Gamma:      1.0:1.0:1.0
	Brightness: 1.0
	CRTC:       0
	CRTCs:      0 1 2
	Transform:  1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
	BACKLIGHT: 0 (0x00000000)	range:  (0,100)
	Backlight: 0 (0x00000000)	range:  (0,100)
	scaling mode:	Full aspect
		supported: None         Full         Center       Full aspect 
  1600x900 (0x47)   97.8MHz -HSync -VSync *current +preferred
        h: width  1600 start 1648 end 1696 total 1784 skew    0 clock   54.8KHz
        v: height  900 start  902 end  905 total  912           clock   60.1Hz
  1440x900 (0x48)  106.5MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1440 start 1520 end 1672 total 1904 skew    0 clock   55.9KHz
        v: height  900 start  903 end  909 total  934           clock   59.9Hz
  1360x768 (0x49)   84.8MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1360 start 1432 end 1568 total 1776 skew    0 clock   47.7KHz
        v: height  768 start  771 end  781 total  798           clock   59.8Hz
  1360x768 (0x4a)   72.0MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width  1360 start 1408 end 1440 total 1520 skew    0 clock   47.4KHz
        v: height  768 start  771 end  781 total  790           clock   60.0Hz
  1152x864 (0x4b)   81.6MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1152 start 1216 end 1336 total 1520 skew    0 clock   53.7KHz
        v: height  864 start  865 end  868 total  895           clock   60.0Hz
  1024x768 (0x4c)   65.0MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width  1024 start 1048 end 1184 total 1344 skew    0 clock   48.4KHz
        v: height  768 start  771 end  777 total  806           clock   60.0Hz
  800x600 (0x4d)   40.0MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width   800 start  840 end  968 total 1056 skew    0 clock   37.9KHz
        v: height  600 start  601 end  605 total  628           clock   60.3Hz
  800x600 (0x4e)   36.0MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width   800 start  824 end  896 total 1024 skew    0 clock   35.2KHz
        v: height  600 start  601 end  603 total  625           clock   56.2Hz
  640x480 (0x4f)   25.2MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   640 start  656 end  752 total  800 skew    0 clock   31.5KHz
        v: height  480 start  490 end  492 total  525           clock   59.9Hz
VGA1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
	Identifier: 0x43
	Timestamp:  21974
	Subpixel:   unknown
	CRTCs:      0 1 2
	Transform:  1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
HDMI1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
	Identifier: 0x44
	Timestamp:  21974
	Subpixel:   unknown
	CRTCs:      0 1 2
	Transform:  1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
	Broadcast RGB:	Full
		supported: Full         Limited 16:2
	audio:	auto
		supported: force-dvi    off          auto         on          
DP1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
	Identifier: 0x45
	Timestamp:  21974
	Subpixel:   unknown
	CRTCs:      0 1 2
	Transform:  1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
	Broadcast RGB:	Full
		supported: Full         Limited 16:2
	audio:	auto
		supported: force-dvi    off          auto         on          


maxSize: QSize(32767, 32767) 
minSize: QSize(320, 200) 
currentSize: QSize(1600, 900) 

Id:  68 
Name:  "HDMI1" 
Type:  "Unknown" 
Connected:  false 

Id:  69 
Name:  "DP1" 
Type:  "Unknown" 
Connected:  false 

Id:  66 
Name:  "LVDS1" 
Type:  "Panel (Laptop)" 
Connected:  true 
Enabled:  true 
Primary:  false 
Rotation:  1 
Pos:  QPoint(0,0) 
Size:  QSize(1600, 900) 
Clones:  true 
Mode:  "71" 
Preferred Mode:  "71" 
Preferred modes:  ("71") 
	 "77"    "800x600"   QSize(800, 600)   60.3165 
	 "78"    "800x600"   QSize(800, 600)   56.25 
	 "79"    "640x480"   QSize(640, 480)   59.9405 
	 "71"    "1600x900"   QSize(1600, 900)   60.0796 
	 "72"    "1440x900"   QSize(1440, 900)   59.8874 
	 "73"    "1360x768"   QSize(1360, 768)   59.799 
	 "74"    "1360x768"   QSize(1360, 768)   59.96 
	 "75"    "1152x864"   QSize(1152, 864)   59.9971 
	 "76"    "1024x768"   QSize(1024, 768)   60.0038 
EDID Info:  
	Device ID:  "xrandr-unknown" 
	Name:  "" 
	Vendor:  "" 
	Serial:  "" 
	EISA ID:  "LP173WD1-TLA" 
	Hash:  "9ce38cadbf9f336b0d06506d64149425" 
	Width:  38 
	Height:  22 
	Gamma:  2 
	Red:  QQuaternion(scalar:1, vector:(0.610352, 0.347656, 0)) 
	Green:  QQuaternion(scalar:1, vector:(0.334961, 0.597656, 0)) 
	Blue:  QQuaternion(scalar:1, vector:(0.152344, 0.0947266, 0)) 
	White:  QQuaternion(scalar:1, vector:(0.313477, 0.329102, 0)) 

Id:  67 
Name:  "VGA1" 
Type:  "Unknown" 
Connected:  false 


Configs in:  "/home/pere/.kde/share/apps/kscreen/" 
Number of files:  0 

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