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Re: Interest in helping out

On Mon, 2023-08-21 at 11:19 +0000, Mae Miller wrote:
> Also, salsa is giving me an error about pending admin approval to create a salsa account, do you know how I'd go about getting that approval?
How long has it been? It's normal for it to take a few days to get a Salsa account; the Salsa admins will review your request soon™️.

Paul already touched on a lot of great points, but I'll share some advice too.

The number one thing Debian needs is people who care. Find some initiatives you care about or think are cool, or identify some packages you use you want to improve the quality of. Lurk a lot of different places. The mailing lists are great, but IRC is a more relaxed and less formal place for chit-chat I really like. We sometimes use the phrase of "having an itch to scratch" to refer to a problem that you'd like to see fixed and could work on; look for those.

I'm really passionate about writing high-quality DEP-8 (autopkgtest) tests. One of my favorite examples is one I just wrote for GnuPG. gpgsm, part of GnuPG, supports getting people's S/MIME certificates (used for email encryption among other things) from a special type of address book server known as an LDAP directory. To test that gpgsm can really do it, I wrote a test that sets up a real LDAP server, stores a certificate, and then checks gpgsm can actually fetch it. I love the concept that if we can get multiple different packages talking to each other, then we can test them all at the same time.


Homepage: [johnscott.me](https://johnscott.me)<br>
Contact info: [as a vCard](https://johnscott.me/me/me.vcf) and [as an LDAP directory entry](ldap://johnscott.me/CN=John%20Scott,DC=johnscott,DC=me)

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